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The original MOSSGIFT cube! Three kinds of moss creatively placed by an artist then filled with bioactive live substrate, your choice of natural tan or pearl white. Substrate will contain 10+ tiny springtail bugs, which act as a cleanup crew feeding on mold, eliminating foul odors, and fertilizing the living moss in the terrarium.


Low-medium light, kitchen table, office desk, several feet from windows. AVOID DIRECT SUNLIGHT


Low Maintenance - although removing the lid to allow gas exchange is not required in most cases, it's best practice to vent your MOSSGIFT by taking the lid off for 10-20 seconds a few times a month.


Springtails will need additional protein supplementation if you choose to keep populations long-term and improve populations. This would entail a miniscule pinch of fish food (1-2 small falkes) on top of the substrate 2-3 times a month


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